Summer is around the corner and if you are wondering how to keep yourself cool and active then here are some important tips.
Following are some of the yoga asanas that are beneficial during the summer months, as they help to balance the body's energy, promote relaxation, and cool down the system:
Shitali Pranayama - This breathing exercise involves inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose, and is said to have a cooling effect on the body.
Sheetkari Pranayama - Similar to Shitali Pranayama, this breathing exercise involves inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose, and can help to cool down the body during hot weather.
Padmasana - This seated posture helps to calm the mind and promote relaxation.
Ardha Chandrasana - Also known as Half Moon Pose, this posture stretches the side of the body and can help to release tension and stress.
Trikonasana - Also known as Triangle Pose, this posture strengthens the legs and back, and can help to improve balance and focus.
Parivrtta Trikonasana - Also known as Revolved Triangle Pose, this posture helps to stretch the spine and improve digestion.
Shavasana - Also known as Corpse Pose, this posture involves lying flat on the back and focusing on relaxation and deep breathing.
Benefits of Yoga:
Yoga has numerous benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. Some of the benefits of yoga include:
Improved flexibility and range of motion
Increased strength and muscle tone
Reduced stress and anxiety
Improved sleep and relaxation
Better digestion and elimination
Increased mindfulness and focus
Boosted immune system function
Reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Practicing yoga regularly can help to improve physical and mental health, promote relaxation and wellbeing, and enhance overall quality of life.