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Celebrate International Day of Yoga with ARTED
Join us in celebrating International Yoga Day, June 21 by posting your messages and pictures with hashtag #ARTYOGI on all major social handles.
Learn and Participate in International Yoga Day
'ARTYOGI' - a proud initiative by ARTED, aims to train 100 Kids & Adults and perform Yoga on the eve of 'International Day of Yoga' on June 21, 2021
The workshop and the event will be conducted online. Separate & Multiple batches for Kids & Adults will be conducted from June 1st Week. The celebration event is scheduled (tentatively) for 8 AM on June 21st, 2021.
The course will introduce the basics, tips & tricks of Yogic lifestyles, Fun Activities for Kids, Breathing Techniques, Suryanamaskara, Asanas, Food and Nutrition.
The ARTYOGI is a paid event and each participant will receive a certificate of participation upon successful completion of the workshop and participation in International Yoga Day celebration.
Who can join?
Kids Batch - Age 5 to 10 Years - To register click here
Adults Batch - 18 Years and above - To register click here
Why Yoga ?
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that involves physical body alignments & stretches, mind, body concentration and deep breathing techniques.
Benefits of Yoga Practice
Instates Healthy Lifestyles, Mindfulness, Improves Body resilience, Strength, Reduces Stress and several chronic diseases.
To register visit:
To partner or more information email us at
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